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主要从事光电仪器设备及其应用研究,包括液晶自适应光学、全电控制激光雷达、高灵敏度光谱检测技术、PCR增敏技术等。其中,液晶自适应光学的研究工作据国际领先水平,研究工作得到国际认可:Optics Express的Associated Editor D.Gerwe博士给予评价:“近年你们在《Optics Express》和其它OSA期刊上发表了许多论文,你们在液晶自适应技术上的成就令人印象深刻(译文)”。主持和参与了国家自然基金重点和面上项目、国家863计划重点项目、总参三部装备项目、航天系统部装发预研项目、吉林省科技厅重点项目、中科院创新项目、院地合作项目、企业横向项目等。获授权发明专利21项,共发表论文170余篇,其中第一/通讯作者52篇。获得获吉林省技术发明一等奖(排名第二)、江苏省科技副总、2010年度全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖、2009年度中科院优秀博士论文、2008年度中科院院长奖学金特别奖、第七届长白科技青年特优奖、2007年度大恒奖学金特别奖、2003年度刘永龄奖学金优秀奖、吉林省第六届自然科学学术成果一等奖、吉林省科协优秀学术论文奖等奖项。



[1] Z. L. Cao, Xuan, L. Hu, Y. Liu, and Quanquan. Mu, "Effects of the space–bandwidth product on the liquid-crystal kinoform," Opt. Express13, 5186-5191 (2005).

[2] Zhaoliang Cao, Li Xuan, Lifa Hu, Yongjun Liu, Quanquan Mu and Dayu Li, Investigation of optical testing with a phase-only liquid crystal spatial light modulator, Optics Express,13(4), 1059-1065(2005).

[3] Cao Zhaoliang, Li Xuan, Lifa Hu, Xinghai Lu, Quanquan Mu, Temperature effect on the diffraction efficiency of the liquid crystal spatial light modulator,Optics Communications, 2006,Vol.267,69-73。

[4] Cao Zhaoliang,Quanquan Mu, Lifa Hu, Liu Yonggang, Li Xuan, The durability of a liquid crystal modulator for use with a high power laser, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt.,9, 427-430(2007).

[5] Cao Zhaoliang, Quanquan Mu, Lifa Hu, Liu Yonggang, Li Xuan, Diffractive characteristics of the liquid crystal spatial light modulator, Chinese Physics,Vol.16(6), 1665-1671(2007).

[6] Zhaoliang Cao,Quanquan Mu, Lifa Hu, Li Xuan,.Effect of the twisted alignment the liquid crystal wave-front corrector, Liquid Crystals,34, 1227-1232 (2007).

[7] Zhaoliang Cao, et al. Correction of horizontal turbulence with nematic liquid crystal wavefront corrector. Opt. Express16: 7006-7013 (2008)

[8] Zhaoliang Cao, Quanquan Mu, Lifa Hu, Yonggang Liu, Zenghui Peng, and Li Xuan, A reflective liquid crystal wavefront corrector used with tilt incidence, Applied Optics,47: 1785-1789 (2008)

[9] Zhaoliang Cao, Quanquan Mu, Lifa Hu, Yonggang Liu, Zenghui Peng, Xinghai Lu, and Li Xuan, An achromatic system for twisted alignment liquid crystal wavefront corrector, Applied Optics,47: 1020-1024 (2008)

[10]Zhaoliang Cao, Quanquan Mu, Lifa Hu, Yonggang Liu, Zenghui Peng, and Li Xuan, High closed loop correction accuracy with a liquid crystal wavefront corrector, Chinese Physics Letters,25: 989-992 (2008)

[11]Zhaoliang Cao, Quanquan Mu, Lifa Hu, Dayu Li, Zenghui Peng, Yonggang Liu, and Li Xuan, "Preliminary use of nematic liquid crystal adaptive optics with a 2.16-meter reflecting telescope," Opt. Express17, 2530-2537 (2009)

[12]Zhaoliang Cao,Quanquan Mu, Lifa Hu, Xinghai Lu, and Li Xuan, "A simple method for evaluating the wavefront compensation error of diffractive liquid-crystal wavefront correctors," Opt. Express17, 17715-17722 (2009)

[13]Zhaoliang Cao,Quanquan Mu, Lifa Hu, Yonggang Liu, and Li Xuan, “Improve the loop frequency of liquid crystal adaptive optics by concurrent control technique,” Optics Communications,283946–950(2010)

[14]Zhaoliang Cao, Quanquan Mu, Lifa Hu, Yonggang Liu, Zenghui Peng, Qingyun Yang, Haoran Meng, Lishuang Yao, and Li Xuan, “Optimal energy-splitting method for an open-loop liquid crystal adaptive optics system”, Opt. Express20, 19331-19342 (2012)

[15]CAO Zhao-liang, XUAN Li, MU Quanquan, HU Li-fa, PENG Zeng-hui, LIU Yong-gang, YAO Li-shuang, “Applications of liquid crystal adaptive optics for larger aperture telescope,” SPIE,8415, 841513-1-841513-8 ( 2012 )

[16]Cao,Zhaoliang(*),Qu, Qing,Wang, Yukun,Xu, Huanyu,Wang, Shaoxin,Yang, Chengliang,Xuan, Li,Shape based zonal wave-front reconstruction for arbitrary shape pupils,Optics Communications,2015,336:160-165

[17]Zhaoliang Cao(*),Lina Shao,Yukun Wang,Quanquan Mu, Lifa Hu, Xingyun Zhang,Xuan, Li,A novel method of measuring the interaction matrix for diffractive liquid crystal wavefront correctors,Optics Communications,2016,380:361-367

[18]Zhaoliang Cao, Xiangjun Xiang, Chengliang Yang, Ying Zhang, Zenghui Peng & Li Xuan. Analysis of tunable characteristics ofliquid-crystal-based hyperbolic metamaterials Liquid Crystals,2016,43(12):1753-1759

[19]Chao Li, Mingliang Xia, Quanquan Mu, Baoguang Jiang, Li Xuan, andZhaoliang Cao*,"High-precision open-loop adaptive optics system based on LC-SLM," Opt. Express17, 10774-10781 (2009)

[20]Quanquan Mu,Zhaoliang Cao*, Zenghui Peng, Yonggang Liu, Lifa Hu, Xinghai Lu, and Li Xuan, "Modal interaction matrix measurement for liquid-crystal corrector: precision evaluation," Opt. Express17, 9330-9336 (2009)

[21]Quanquan Mu,Zhaoliang Cao*, Lifa Hu, Yonggang Liu, Zenghui Peng, Li Xuan “Novel spectral range expansion method for liquid crystal adaptive optics” Optics Express, 18(21)21687-21696,(2010)

[22]Quanquan Mu,Zhaoliang Cao*,Zenghui Peng, Yonggang Liu, Lifa Hu, Xinghai Lu, Li Xuan, “Performance simulation of an adaptive optics system with liquid crystal corrector under closed-loop and open-loop control,” Optics Communications,2832017–2019 (2010)

[23]Lina Shao,ZhaoliangCao*, QuanquanMua, PeiguangZhang, LishuangYao, ShaoxinWang, LifaHu, LiXuan, Experimental analysis of the fitting error of diffractive liquid crystal wavefront correctors for atmospheric turbulence corrections, Optics Communications,2016,367:199-205

[24]Lina Shao,ZhaoliangCao,*, Quanquan Mu, Lifa Hu, Yukun Wang, Shaoxin Wang, and Li Xuan,Design of a dynamic refocus system based on the Seidel aberration theory,Chinese Optics Letters,2016,14(4): 042202-1-042202-5

[25]FEI SUN,ZHAOLIANGCAO,*YUKUN WANG, CAIHUA ZHANG,XINGYUN ZHANG,YONG LIU,QUANQUAN MU, AND LI XUAN,DM/LCWFC based adaptive optics system for large aperture telescopes imaging from visible to infrared waveband, Optics Express, 24:27494-27508 (2016)

[26]Wang Yukun, Hu Lifa, Zhang Xingyun,Cao Zhaoliang*,Li Dayu,Xu Huanyu, Wang Shaoxin, Mu Quanquan, Xuan Li, High-precision identification of a tip-tilt control system for the compensation of time delay, Applied Optics, 2017.01.01, 56(5):1431~1437

[27]Chao Liu Bin HeZhaoliang Cao*Yukun Wang Lifa Hu Li Xuan, Weighted wavefront reconstruction algorithm for multiple laser guide stars adaptive optics systems, Optics Communications 405: 372-377 (2017)

[28]Chao Liu Huanyu Xu Lifa HuZhaoliang Cao*, Method of reducing photon noise and turbulence for laser guide-star detection on large-aperture telescopes, Optics Communications 426: 23-29 (2018)

[29]Guoqing Han,Zhaoliang Cao*, Quanquan Mua*, Yukun Wang, Dayu Li, Shaoxin Wang, Zihao Xu, Daosheng Wu, Lifa Hu, Li Xuan, Isoplanatic patch of the human eye for arbitrary wavelengths, Optics Communications 410: 811-816 (2018)

[30]Yukun Wang, Huanyu Xu, Dayu Li, Rui Wang, Chengbin Jin, Xianghui Yin, Shijie Gao, Quanquan Mu, Li Xuan &Zhaoliang Cao*,Performance analysis of an adaptive optics system for free space optics communication through atmospheric turbulence, Scientific Reports, 8: 1124 (2018)

[31]XIANGHUI YIN, RUI WANG, SHAOXIN WANG, YUKUN WANG, CHENGBIN JIN,ZHAOLIANG CAO,*AND LI XUAN, Evaluation of the communication quality of free-space laser communication based on the power-in-the-bucket method, Applied Optics, 57: 573-581 (2018)

[32]Rui Wang, Yukun Wang, Chengbin Jin, Xianghui Yin, Shaoxin Wang, Chengliang Yang a,Zhaoliang Cao, Quanquan Mu, Shijie Gao, Li Xuan, Demonstration of horizontal free-space laser communication with the effect of the bandwidth of adaptive optics system Optics communications 2019 431:167-173

[33]Caihua Zhang, Wenqiang Sun, Quanquan Mu ,Zhaoliang Cao,Xingyun Zhang, Shaoxin Wang, Li Xuan, Analysis of aberrations and performance evaluation of adaptive optics in two-photon light-sheet microscopy, Optics communications 2019 435:46-53

[34]Chengbin Jin, Xingyun Zhang, Wenqiang Sun, Nan Li, Quanquan Mu,Zhaoliang Cao, Yukun Wang∗, Li Xuan, Correction performance estimation of atmospheric turbulence based on eigenmode method, Optics Communications (2020) 466: 125661

[35]Zhaoliang Cao, Zenghui Peng, Li Xuan & Zhigang Zheng∗ Design and fabrication of 2 kHz nematic liquid crystal variable retarder with reflection mode, Liquid Crystals, (2020), 47(6): 870-881

[36]Shen Zhang, Rui Wang, Yukun Wang, Hongmin Mao, Guoding Xu,Zhaoliang Cao, Xiaofei Yang, Wusheng Hu, Xiaoping Li, Li Xuan, Extending the detection and correction abilities of an adaptive optics system for free-space optical communication, Optics Communications, 482(3): 2021,126571

[37]Zhang, S.; Jiang, Z.; Liang, Y.; Shen, Y.; Mao, H.; Sun, H.; Zhao X.; Li, X.; Hu, W.; Xu, G.;Cao, Z.Effect of the Duty Cycle of Flower-like Silver Nanostructures Fabricated with a Lyotropic Liquid Crystal on the SERS Spectrum. Molecules 2021, 26, 6522.

[38]ZHU Qin-yu, HAN Guo-qing, PENG Jian-tao, RAO Qi-long, SHEN Yi-li, CHEN Mei-rui, SUN Hui-juan, MAO Hong-min, XU Guo-ding,CAO Zhao-liang, XUAN Li. Longitudinal chromatic aberration compensation method for dual-wavelength retinal imaging adaptive optics systems[J]. Chinese Optics, 2022, 15(1): 1-11. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN.2021-0009


[1] Li Xuan,Zhaoliang Cao, et al.Adaptive Optics Progress(Liquid crystal wavefront correctors). InTech Press. 67-97, 2012



[2]宣丽,曹召良,胡立发,李大禹,穆全全,彭增辉,刘永刚,鲁兴海,“无偏振光能量损失的液晶自适应光学系统” 专利号200610173382.3




[6] 宣丽,胡立发,李大禹,曹召良,穆全全,彭增辉,刘永刚,鲁兴海,“快速向列液晶自适应光学系统”,发明专利,中国,200610063698.7

[7]胡立发,宣丽,曹召良,穆全全,彭增辉,刘永刚,“具有时空连续性的TFT液晶湍流模拟器” 发明专利,中国,200610017114.2

[8]宣丽, 穆全全,曹召良,李抄,胡立发,彭增辉,刘永刚,李大禹,鲁兴海,“普适性液晶自适应像差校正视网膜成像系统”,发明专利,中国,200910266664.1

[9]宣丽, 穆全全,胡立发,曹召良,彭增辉,刘永刚,李大禹,鲁兴海,“兼具开环与闭环的液晶自适应光学系统”,发明专利,中国,200910218116.1(

[10] 宣丽, 穆全全,曹召良,李抄,胡立发,彭增辉,刘永刚,李大禹,鲁兴海,“普适性液晶自适应像差校正视网膜成像系统”,发明专利,中国,200910266664.1

[11] 宣丽, 穆全全,曹召良,李抄,胡立发,彭增辉,刘永刚,李大禹,鲁兴海,“视度自调节液晶自适应像差校正视网膜成像的光学系统”,发明专利,中国,ZL 200910266651.4

[12] 宣丽,穆全全,曹召良,李抄,胡立发,彭增辉,刘永刚,李大禹,鲁兴海,“能量高效利用的液晶自适应像差校正视网膜成像装置”,发明专利,中国,200910215480.2

[13] 宣丽,穆全全,曹召良,胡立发,彭增辉,刘永刚,李大禹,鲁兴海,“液晶自适应光学系统能量优化分配方法”,发明专利,中国,ZL 2010 1 0605114.0

[14] 宣丽,李大禹,曹召良,胡立发,穆全全,彭增辉,刘永刚,鲁兴海,“适用于液晶自适应光学系统的快速波前重构方法”,发明专利,中国,ZL 2011 1 0079066.0

[15] 宣丽,穆全全,彭增辉,胡立发,曹召良,胡红斌,刘永刚,姚丽双,李大禹,夏明亮,杨程亮,鲁兴海,提高液晶波前校正器响应速度的过滤灰度级驱动方法,专利号:ZL201210007915.6

[16] 宣丽,穆全全,曹召良,胡立发,彭增辉,李大禹,刘永刚,夏明亮,姚丽双,杨程亮,鲁兴海,哈特曼波前探测器与入射光束的孔径对准方法,专利号:ZL201210264033.8,授权公告日:2014年7月27日

[17] 宣丽,穆全全,曹召良,胡立发,彭增辉,刘永刚,姚丽双,李大禹,杨程亮,夏明亮,鲁兴海,具有孔径对准功能的哈特曼波前探测器。专利号:ZL201210264084.0

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